In accordance with the Gazette published last week by Minister Angie Motshekga, schools in the Western Cape will return on June 1, despite other provinces expecting delays in the reopening.

Much confusion concerned parents on Sunday [May 31] evening when a statement from Motshekga said, “The Council of Education Minister met yesterday to assess the state of readiness for the reopening of schools.” It concluded: “The date on which all learners have to report back to school, is the 08 June 2020.”

Western Cape Provincial Minister of Education Debbie Schäfer contradicted this moments later when she put out a statement saying schools in the province are ready and will resume on June 1.

“We have been engaged in discussions at a national level over the weekend, and were awaiting the Minister’s announcement that was scheduled for 18h00 this evening. Given that this has now been postponed until tomorrow, we can no longer allow our schools to hover in a state of uncertainty. Following the national minister’s earlier announcements, we have pulled out all the stops as a province to ensure that we are ready for the arrival of learners tomorrow. Principals and staff have worked tirelessly to get all the health and safety requirements in place,” says Schäfer.

The Western Cape Education Department has decided to go ahead with plans to reopen schools despite a statement issued by The Basic Education Department saying that the return date of schools has been shifted to June 8.

R280 million has been spent on Personal Protective Equipment and cleaning materials.

This includes:
– 2.4 million masks – 2 masks for each learner and WCED-employed staff member.
– Over 7 000 non-contact digital thermometers for the screening process that every learner and staff member must follow each day, and;
– Millions of litres of hand sanitiser, liquid soap, disinfectant and bleach.

The PPEs required to welcome Grade 7 and 12 learners have been delivered. Further deliveries are forthcoming.

Extensive guidelines and protocols for all aspects of schooling have been issued to schools and are publicly available on our website:

The topics include safety and hygiene practices, the screening process, cleaning and sanitising, how to manage confirmed cases of COVID-19 at schools, safety in hostels and on learner transport, school feeding protocols, and more.

Learner transport has been arranged for tomorrow morning for those learners on the Learner Transport Scheme. Schools have also made preparations for the provision of school meals.

Learners have already begun to arrive at school hostels today, and parents have made preparations to take their children to return to school tomorrow morning. School staff and WCED officials have been working around the clock to ensure that all plans are in place to receive those learners on time.

“Given these preparations, and the enormous effort put in by teachers and non-teaching staff alike, it would be unfair to delay all schools from re-opening,” adds Schäfer.

There will also be some schools that do not receive learners tomorrow, either because they are not at a suitable state of readiness in terms of safety protocols, or they are closed for cleaning if there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the school. These schools will communicate with their staff members and parents of learners in this regard.

“Whilst we are aware of the many anxieties surrounding COVID-19, keeping schools closed indefinitely is not going to resolve them. The South African Paediatric Association has come out in favour of the phased re-opening. We are taking every precaution, but the longer schools remain closed, the poor will suffer the most. The disingenuous arguments by some that all schools should open simultaneously do not hold water. They argue that the poor will be left behind. Well the reality is that the poor ARE being left behind now, as wealthier schools or parents have the means to continue online,” says Schäfer.

According to Schäfer schools in the Western Cape are overwhelmingly ready, including schools that serve poor communities. This has also been verified by the NECT.

“We shall accordingly be open for learners tomorrow. The week will be used primarily for the orientation of learners into the new Covid-19 safety and learning environment. There are also outstanding issues that need to be finalised over the coming week – including confirming a position on home schooling options – but these will not prevent the majority of our Grade 7s and 12s from returning. I want to reiterate my sincere thanks to our schools for the work that has been done in preparation for the return of learners tomorrow, and I wish them the very best for the coming week,” concludes Schäfer.

Picture: Unsplash
