The young woman who was held at Sea Point Police Station after being accused of being in possession of “vehicle breaking implements” has been offered the job she had hoped to interview for.

Twenty-three-year-old Esethu Mcinjana was arrested while sitting on the Sea Point Promenade. Police officers searched her bag after spotting her taking selfies on a bench, and found her house keys on it with a broken gate remote control attached to it, and thereafter arrested her. Mcinjana had to wait for her mother to free her from a jail cell the next day.

As reported by GroundUp, Mcinjana’s mother explained to authorities that the broken gate remote control was used as a keyring and did not work.

After the initial reports, Mcinjana was contacted by the hotel she was waiting to be interviewed by when she was arrested, and was granted the opportunity to interview on Monday. Her application was successful, and she will now undergo a paid learnership there.

“I was not comfortable going back to the same area for the interview because I didn’t know what would happen, especially since my face was all over the news. But I went because I wanted the job so badly,” Mcinjana said. “I am more than happy that I got the job and thankful for the second opportunity that was granted to me. My mother is a single parent and looking after my sister and me with her salary. Now I can help her with this job and look after myself instead of always asking her for things.”

At the end of the learnership, she will receive a certificate that will allow her a better opportunity to succeed in the hospitality sector.

Sea Point Police Station is still in possession of Mcinjana’s house keys, and she has not yet been informed on when she will receive them again.

Picture: Pixabay


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