The Drakenstein Farm Watch Emergency first aid responders arrived on the scene of a farm attack near Paarl on Thursday, 25 February.

The DFW received a call on their radio emergency network from a farmer member who said that his partner has been shot or stabbed in the head around 9am. A white bakkie is believed to have pulled up to the farm with the men inside.

Allegedly, 3 men asked the elderly lady for sheep to purchase, which ended in an armed robbery. The men demanded money and allegedly weapons. Sometime later a skirmish broke out and one of the culprits fired a shot at the elderly lady hitting her in the back of her head,” the DFW said in a Facebook post. 

The first responders arrived and treated the woman for the head wound and waited for the police and ambulance.

A police investigation on the incident is currently underway.

Picture: DFW/ Facebook
