After a weekend of exciting games as part of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens, the Blitzbokke made a brave effort against New Zealand, coming in second with a final score of 7-5.

While they may not have walked away victorious, they certainly united the country and brought the gees!

Despite a great weekend with a win over France in the semi-finals and winning the Dubai crown, New Zealand managed to snatch the final title from our team.

South Africa hasn’t won a final on home turf since 2015, and 2019 wasn’t the year to bring the title home despite our teams best efforts.


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Check the point!( don’t look for abs while a man is kicking! Tsek )

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#fafchallenge #tia #beer #beanbagthebrand Faf for what….

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Jem always makes a plan? @roxherbert

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Made it to the finals…. well some of us ? SA pride ??

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Picture: HSBC/Twitter
