A South African team from the non-profit organisation, Gift of the Givers will arrive in Indonesia today in an effort to provide relief after the catastrophic effects of the most recent earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption.

Gift of the Givers is the largest disaster response non-governmental organisation (NGO) originating in Africa and was established in 1992. The NGO is well known for its innovative methods of providing relief to disaster-stricken areas around the world, such as their world first, one-of-a-kind containerised mobile hospital made up of 28 units.

Indonesia’s President issued an international call for assistance on Tuesday, prompting the organisation to intervene in the natural disaster. The disaster response NGO will include search and rescue teams, highly specialised equipment and medical personnel on their trip to Indonesia.

Gift of the Givers said in a statement that more medical assistance is standing by to aid the victims of the natural disaster.

“If necessary, a larger medical contingent, also with specialised equipment, will follow a day or two later dependent on the challenges presented by the 7.5 earthquake and resultant tsunami on the island of Sulawesi that struck on Friday, 28 September,’ said a Gift of the Givers statement.

The team will be departing from the organisation’s logistic centre in Bramley, Johannesburg preparing for the deployment.

“Logistics, diplomacy, procurement of essential supplies including water, food, fuel and medicine, transport, security and the detailed updated information is the current priority as we prepare for the departure of the teams from Gift of the Givers,” said the NGO.

Other countries are providing aid to the disaster stricken area as well.

Indonesia’s natural disaster

The recorded 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit the shores of Indonesia on 28 September 2018, causing 3-metre high tsunami waves. The damage affected multiple areas on the Indonesian coast line and in-land areas of Petobo, Palu and more.

Further damage to the area is occurring as ‘soil liquefaction’ has caused mud to sweep through the area damaging and tilting buildings. The most recent volcanic eruption of Mount Soputa has occurred in the northern Sulawesi area of Indonesia on Wednesday, forcing locals and tourists to flee for their lives.


Donations can be made to Gift of the Givers as they provide relief in Indonesia.

Account details Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg

Account number: 052278611

Branch code: 057525

Deposit slips can be sent to [email protected]

There is currently no confirmation of the death toll, number of missing, injured, alive and trapped due to limited accessibility in the area.


Picture: Twitter/ World Food Programme


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