Survivor is a reality show that has taken the world by storm since its first season aired in 2000. Many do not know that the show has a large number of South Africans that form part of the crew. The show has recently been nominated for an Emmy in the category ‘Outstanding Cinematography For A Reality Program’.

Artist Ronel de Jager, whose husband is a cameraman for the show, shared the news on social media.

“Brag moment!” she wrote on Facebook. “My husband Thomas Pretorius fourth Emmy nomination! Congratulations to everyone involved.”

Speaking to SA People, she said the other South Africans involved in the show include Ian Miller, Derek Holt, Luke Cormack, Rick Higgs, Thomas Digg, Nicholas Nyoni, Dirk Steyn and James Boon.

Thus far, the show has been nominated for 119 Primetime Emmy awards, and has won 43 times.

Picture: Survivor/Facebook
