It’s been 8 years since South Africa hosted the first Soccer World Cup on African Soil. The sense of unity, as a nation came together to host possibly the biggest sporting event on the globe, was palpable. Sounds of vuvuzelas, flags flapping in the wind, the roar of full stadiums and camaraderie – this was the Soccer World Cup 2010.

If you’re a soccer fan, your time is here, the Russia World Cup 2018 kicks off today. This prestigious event sees 32 international soccer teams converge to see who will come out on top.

Soccer fans from South Africa (and the rest of The world) who could not be in Russia for the festivities will be able to catch all of the live games on their TVs. As Russian locals are gripped in World Cup fever, we cannot help but remember the electrifying atmosphere 8 years ago.

Do you remember where you watched the opening ceremony? We wish we could rewind the clock and relive that moment of true South African ubuntu. But, since we can’t… we’ll reminisce!








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