Raphadu Maphoto, a young South African filmmaker based in Cape Town, won the JCSI Young Creatives Award, as part of the 2020 International Emmy Awards.

Maphoto’s entry, which is titled ‘Dear Peace’, is one of three winning one-minute films that were made in response to the theme: ‘Stand Up for Peace – Everyday Heroes in these Troubled Times.’

The elegiac film centres on a young boy who ponders what peace means to him. The project emphasises the importance of teaching the youth about the value of peace and harmony to society.

The youth are vital members of society, as they affect the that we live in today and will shape the world of the future, therefore, it is important to teach them the value of peace, which is ever increasing in these turbulent times.


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“I just wanted to dedicate this post to those who can’t sleep at night because all they ever think is about is hunting their dreams. Black child your dreams are valid. Never look back. Our time is now,” wrote Maphoto in an Instagram post on November 27, in which he thanked the Emmy’s for the award.

He said he is now an official ambassador for the JCSI and the first South African to win an International Emmy.

Maphoto shares the award with ‘Devils Ivy’ by Wa Liu from China and ‘Their Mornings’,which was made by Mateo Auad from Argentina. These films were selected from twenty-three finalists.

“In the shadow of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we view this year’s JCS International Young Creatives Award theme, especially relevant and close to and close to our hearts,” said Ronald Lauder, the owner of JCSI.

“It is JCSI’s honour to host the wonderful short films, and award such talented individuals as a tribute to the exceptional acts of heroism we are witnessing by everyday people in the midst of these unprecedented and defining times.  This year’s winners represent three excellent examples of this worthy theme.”

To watch the winning videos, click on the link below:


Picture: Screenshot from video
