Western Cape Premier Helen Zille has landed in hot water again after tweeting her views on colonialism, much to the dismay of the Democratic Alliance (DA). During a heated Twitter debate with social media and TV personality Sizwe Dhlomo, Zille spoke about the “positive” effects of colonialism – again.

In 2017, Zille had to face a disciplinary hearing and was subsequently suspended by her party (the DA) after she tweeted about colonialism.

The DA would not comment on the tweets and Federal executive chairperson James Selfe told IOL: “We understand that these comments were made in her personal capacity, and her views on the subject do not represent those of the party,” he said.

The exchange of words began when Dhlomo tagged Zille in a post from The King Centre: “To be clear: There was nothing righteous, just or positive about the Transatlantic Slave Trade or slavery in America. Nothing. Shame on school boards and systems that allow textbooks and teaching that express otherwise.”

To which Helen replied: “I agree, there was absolutely nothing positive about slavery or the slave trade. If you read the transformed SA history textbook (issued in a democratic SA), you will see the acknowledgement that despite its many evils, colonialism helped end slavery in parts of Africa.”

Read the exchange below:

Earlier this year, she was issued with a warning letter after she tweeted about colonialism bringing the benefits of the water-piping system. The DA sent her a letter to stop using social media to talk about matters that don’t concern this province.


Picture: Twitter


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