Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has missed the deadline to resign today, and the ruling party Zanu-PF will go ahead with a motion to impeach him. In a rumoured letter, Mugabe agreed to the terms of his resignation this morning. The letter also stated that he and his wife Grace will receive full immunity and be able to keep their private residences if he agreed to step down.
Last night, Zimbabweans gathered in anticipation of his resignation but were left angered when he failed to leave and instead left them more confused than ever. Mugabe, 93, has been confined to his residence since last week and was given until noon today to resign or face a very embarrassing impeachment process.
Zimbabweans living in Cape Town took to the street of Sea Point on Saturday, in a peaceful protest, calling for the resignation of Mugabe.
They carried placards saying: “I support the military involvement because I love Zim.”
“Mugabe must fall.”
“Mugabe must resign.”

Zimbabwe’s army said that they had President Robert Mugabe and his wife in custody last Wednesday.
An army spokesperson said that the military were targeting “criminals” around Mugabe, and sought to reassure the country that order will be restored.

Chris Mutsvangwa, chairman of the war veterans’ association said last week, that the military will return Zimbabwe to “genuine democracy” and make the country a “modern model nation”.
 Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was fired from his post of vice president two weeks ago by President Mugabe, has said he would return to the country and lead to restore order.

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