Deputy Chief Justice and chairperson of the State Capture Inquiry, Raymond Zondo has greenlit the issuing of a summons that compels former President Jacob Zuma to appear before the commission in November.

On Friday [October 9], Zondo approved the application presented to him by the commission’s legal team led by Advocate Paul Pretorius and told the commission’s secretary to sign and issue the summons. He instructed that the summons should make it clear that if Zuma wanted to present evidence virtually, he would be allowed to do so.

“Having read affidavits before me, I’m satisfied that this is a matter in which I should grant the application,” said Zondo.

“I am satisfied a proper case has been made out authorising the issuing of summons against Mr Gedleyihlekisa Jacob Zuma to appear before the commission at 10am on the 16th to the 20th of November 2020 in this venue on each of those days.”

Pretorious told Zondo that there were several reasons why a summons had to be issued against Zuma and that he has been implicated by 34 witnesses, according to EWN and TimesLIVE.

“Firstly, much, if not most of the corruption and acts which might constitute state capture, occurred during his term of office as president of the republic,” said Pretorious.

The former president had to be summoned because he has been refusing to participate in the State Capture Inquiry, willingly.

Zuma has cited preparation for his upcoming criminal trial as one of the reasons why he could not appear before the commission. He has also accused Zondo of being biased and stated that he will not participate until the judge recuses himself.

“Where the commission believes that he has information that can assist the commission in its investigation, then I can force him to come,” said Zondo.

Zondo dismissed Zuma’s reasons as not being good enough to excuse himself from proceedings. “He can’t say, ‘leave me alone, I’m not interested in being heard by you’,” said Zondo.

Zuma could, however, ask the court for more time to allow him to prepare for the commission, according to Zondo.

Jacob Zuma’s legal representation was not present during the proceedings.

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