Spier‘s Eagle Encounters raptor rehabilitation centre is a highly recommended activity for just about everyone.

Founded in 2001, the non-profit initiative is home to a wide variety of birds of prey, all having previously been injured. Eagle Encounters prides itself on the recuperation and rehabilitation of these birds while at the same time giving visitors the chance to get up close and personal with them in a non-intrusive manner.

We spent a great afternoon at the centre observing majestic local bird species such as jackal buzzard, black shouldered kite, black eagle, African wood owl, martial eagle, gymnogene, Lanner falcon, barn owl and spotted eagle owl to name a few. Other resident animals of interest include a porcupine named Sonic, a two-metre long boa constrictor named Charlie, a bearded dragon and tortoises.

At 2 pm we got to witness the interactive falconry display – an awesome show during which host Peter gave us a detailed insight into the world of falcons, owls and vultures. Gloves were dispensed as we all got to hold a falcon on our arm while learning more about these fascinating birds.

Having a large black eagle perch on my arm under the supervision of Peter was definitely my highlight of the day, while petting a spotted eagle owl was right up there too.

Eagle Encounters is a must-see for families, but anyone can visit and be entertained by these magnificent creatures. Be sure to make us of the picnic facilities available at Spier too. A fantastic day trip awaits!

Where Spier Estate, R310, Stellenbosch
When View the daily show times here
Cost R70 for adults, R60 for children and R65 for students and pensioners
Contact +27 21 858 1826, [email protected]www.eagle-encounters.co.za

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  • SpierWineFarm
    January 26, 2015 at 11:21 am

    CapeTownEtc Awesome pic! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • TendaiMatuso
    January 26, 2015 at 5:28 pm

    CapeTownEtc SpierWineFarm

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