Are you ready to take a trip back in time?

These photographs posted on Facebook reveal the mind-blowing changes that Cape Town’s Atlantic Seaboard has undergone in the past few decades. It has transformed from a quiet, bushy, rural landscape into some of the most sought-after real estate in Africa.

Facebook user Harley Rubin compiled these pics into then-and-now comparison collages and posted them to the Facebook group Cape Town – Down Memory Lane. The pics are believed to originate from the book Cape Town: Then and Now by Vincent van Graan.

Take a look and prepare to be transported back to a quiet, sparsely-populated Cape Town.

1. Back when Sea Point was more countryside than high-rise apartment blocks:

2. When the Grand Parade was home to horses and carts:

3. When the Camps Bay and Clifton coastline was just bush, sea and one single modest cottage:

4. And further along the coast at Llandudno, not a single house was built on the hill:

5. When the Green Point Lighthouse was surrounded by a dirt road and a few small homes:

6. Before Clifton was home to the rich and famous, it was just couple of wooden beach houses:

Pictures: Harley Rubin on Facebook


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