The devastating, unrelenting fire that has raged through the Overberg regions of Betty Bay, Pringle Bay and Kogel Bay is still burning after more than a week since first flaring up. The fire is still burning along the R44 which is currently closed to traffic. Flames are spreading along the upper slopes into the Steenbras catchment area.

Properties in the area are not in danger and no new injuries have been reported.

Firefighters have been working tirelessly to keep the blaze in check, and local photographer Justin Sullivan has shared their story of struggle and perseverance through a series of incredible images.

Plumes of smoke stain the sky and cover the picturesque view of the beach and mountains

Firefighters keeping the flames at bay

Flames burn around exhausted firefighters at night

Flames engulf the mountainside

Helicopters frantically go back and forth between locals lakes and the fire, dousing flames as they go

More flames to be tackled at night

Another day and still the fire continues

Firefighters planning their next move near the flames

Fire winds its way through the mountains

A firefighter sweating from the heat and hard work of keeping the flames at bay

Burning mountains light the night sky as the fight against the flames continues


Pictures: Justin Sullivan


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