People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but I honestly think they need to reconsider. We all know how handbags are important to women. I mean, it is where all our make up is stored when travelling and all the goodies us ladies love to have with us just in case. Handmade By Me knows this perfectly, and they make the cutest bags one can imagine, handmade of course.

Handmade by me

Handmade By Me is a textile design company that is based in Cape Town. They produce unique handmade and high quality bags, which they use natural fibre textiles and eco-friendly water-based inks to design, so the environmentally concerned can pull up a chair and sit back, NO DAMAGE WAS DONE HERE.

The bags come in different patterns and colours, to fit your mood and most importantly your outfit. I personally prefer to keep it nice and nude in winter but those who love to pop some colour, Handmade By Me has got you covered with feisty floral watercolours. And what’s more exciting is that they even design purses to go with the bags. How amazing is that? Totally incredible if you ask me.

Handmade by me

There are a number of other products that Handmade By Me produces, and if you are a lady that loves matching up like myself, I would definitely suggest you get yourself a phone cover to go with that handbag (thank me later). Shop online today and get your winter style popping.


Cost R120 – R420
Get it at


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