Many, if not most people, set out to get their health on track at the beginning of the new year – and with good reason. If you're one of them,
Sunday 5 February at 5:30 pm Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Newlands
Sunday 5 February 2017 at 3 pm Shimmy Beach Club
Sunday 5 February at 4 pm Wynberg Park, Wynberg
Saturday 4 February at 11 am SA National Art Gallery, Gardens
The who's who in South African fashion and showbiz turned up in droves at Kenilworth Racecourse this weekend to attend The Sun Met. The theme, 'Decades of Glamour', was expressed
Saturday 4 February at 9 am SMAC, Stellenbosch
Friday 3 February at 7:30 pm Artscape Theatre Centre, Foreshore
Thursday 2 February at 7:30 pm Artscape Theatre Centre, Foreshore
Thursday 2 February at 6 pm Breakaway Café, Waterkant