When it comes to the affordability of cars in South Africa, we know that we don’t have the luxury of reduced prices when compared to our overseas counterparts.

In a nation where car finance is the primary reason people cannot afford a home, financing is still the only option most are faced with. The problem however, is that based on the structure of most deals in the market now, cars devalue a lot faster than what is paid off – meaning that you will effectively be unable to sell your car if you need to. As a result, people often finance the shortfall – because they don’t have the cash available – and add it to the debt on their new car – which will compound the problem as it also devalues faster than they pay it off.

Having to sell a car because you can’t afford typically results in a big loss – at a time when you can’t afford it. As your income increases, one tends to upgrade their car and keep debt up to the hilt (rather than creating some breathing room).
Many people do not calculate how much they can afford on a car, as well as not allowing for unplanned problems. There is nothing wrong with wanting to buy a car, but the problem comes in when buyers mistake a car for a status symbol rather than something that enables you to get to work on time.

So what is the solution here? Well, we have sniffed out CarZar. For those looking to sell their vehicles to reduce some of their financial pressures, CarZar is taking out the stress and intensive admin of selling a car independently.

CarZar stays true to their strong brand promise to guarantee safety, transparency, convenience and competence throughout the car selling experience. Through this enterprise, a car is never turned down unless it is a non-runner, and offers the best possible price to the customer.

When selling your car to CarZar, you will receive an instant payment into your account. In just 30 minutes, your car will be sold. CarZar also purchases financed vehicles and gives you cash for your car.


Photography Unsplash


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