Whether you’re a regular Good Hope FM listener or you enjoy the comedy circuit of Cape Town, chances are you’ve heard of Dalin Oliver. The 28-year-old sports presenter on the radio station’s Breakfast Show has shared the stage with big names in SA’s comedy scene, including Riaad Moosa, Barry Hilton and Stuart Taylor. And it seems there’s no end to the funny with the recent success of his debut one-man show – I Came, I Taught, I Left – as well as his first foray into his feature film with Finders Keepers and the recording of his own DVD special. Here, he tones it down a little to tell us why Cape Town is the place to be.

1 How does Cape Town influence your work?

I’m born and bred in the Mother City so it influences me quite a bit. It would be criminal of me to say that growing up in Retreat in the Southern Suburbs hasn’t impacted my writing. I tell stories that are grounded in my daily experiences as a Capetonian and South African. The magic of people understanding a local reference or slang is priceless. I feel like it breaks certain barriers. It’s as if we go from being strangers to friends within a few seconds; not close friends that will pay for dinner but close enough to ask for comps to your next show.

2 What do you love most about this city?

I can be a tourist in my hometown and I have a different activity to do every day for about a month, probably more. There are so many gems to discover and new adventures waiting to be experienced. That being said, it can be pretty expensive; let’s not pretend that it’s not.

Dalin Oliver 2

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them?

That’s a tough question. As mentioned, we have such a wide variety of cool activities to choose from. It depends on whether they are keen on enjoying day- or night-time festivities. Personally, I would opt for daytime. We have a majestic coastline so a drive around Camps Bay–Landudno–Hout Bay–Chapman’s Peak and then to Kalk Bay for fish and chips is always a winner. I think that’s a pretty decent afternoon.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Dams are dry.

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

It would be a glow-in-the-dark coin that said ‘Awe’ on it, preferably a luminous colour. The word would be printed on the top of Table Mountain. Can you imagine how epic that would look? I know, right? Please contact me when you decide to action my idea 🙂

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?

‘Do you remember that time when we had water?’

7 Three Capetonians we should be following online?

1 @DalinOliver – definitely. I heard he’s a great guy and will never punt himself.

2 @happyhourghfm – It’s the weekly comedy show I co-host on Good Hope FM, live every Monday from 11 am – 12 pm.

3 @carlweber9 – He co-hosts the Happy Hour show with me. Like I said, I will never punt myself.

I feel like we’ve bonded after giving you all this information so I’ll see you at my new one-man show Face for Radio at the Baxter Theatre from 22 August – 9 September.


Photography Courtesy


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