As the one of the charismatic hosts to the hugely popular Expresso Show, Graeme Richards helps make our mornings better. It’s easy to see why. Waking up and watching Graeme in the Expresso penthouse overlooking beautiful Cape Town is a definite treat. People can’t get enough of his dazzling charm and good looks, so much so, that he is one of nominated as one of South Africa’s Top 12 sexiest men for Cosmopolitan Magazine.

We caught up with Graeme to find out what he loves about Cape Town.

How does Cape Town influence your personality and work?

It brings out the best in me and has broken down so many barriers, I can do and be anything down here and still live free and have a hugely rewarding life outside of work.

2 What do you love most about this city?

The fact that it sits at the foot of a mountain I can run up whenever I want to.

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them first?

Depends on the friend, either on a run on some wild trail close by, but in most cases somewhere like the Village Idiot to get into the true CT vibe. In the a.m. definitely to one of the tons of local markets, my closest being the Oranjezicht City Farm at the V&A Waterfront… The craft beer flows… The options really are endless.

4 Describe the city in three words.

La la Land?

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

A mini CT passport with plenty of pages to stamp with every experience.

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?

Being a Jozi boy, probably: please put some shoes on… Seriously, not sure if you can print it, but I say Befok quite a lot

7 Three Capetonians we should be following online?

As a collective @expressoshow for sure, @katlegomaboe rocks his online content and Adrian Steirn captures SA like no other!

To vote for Graeme Richards for Cosmos 2017 Sexiest Man click here.

Photography Micheal Le Grange


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