Capetonian singer and songwriter Tia Black has been entertaining the country with her sultry sounds. She chats to Cape {Town} Etc about how her hometown inspires her.

1 How does Cape Town influence you or your work?

For me Cape Town is home and that feeling of home can be found everywhere I go within my city. The sense of diversity – whether that be good or bad – inspires me to tell the stories that we sometimes don’t hear about. The good times and this ‘lit’ life are only what’s on the surface so I tend to look at the realities people, myself included, face from day to day. Sounds really morbid but I swear it’s not [Laughs].

2 What do you love most about this city?

That’s a tough one. Narrowing down what you love about home is hard. I love how scenic our city is and that you can find ‘photoshoot’ locations pretty much anywhere. I also like that I can have really upmarket food in town or affluent areas, but somehow within those areas or just five minutes away, there’ll be a gatsby shop nearby to remind me I’m not obligated to spend that much [Laughs].

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them?

I’d legit take them to Parkwood. The pretty parts of Cape Town get enough exposure. I grew up there [in Parkwood]. It may not be fancy but the people are real and the sense of community is something you can’t buy.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Vast. Unexplored. Relaxed.

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

I honestly think I wouldn’t be able to. I mean there’s already the gatsby. That has to kinda already be our souvenir, right?

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?

It’s not a catchphrase but more a word … kaantie. [Laughs.] I use it every single day. Really.

7 Three Capetonians we should be following online?

YoungstaCPT because he is life-giving and a lyrical genius in my opinion. Mark my words he’ll be legendary before he hits 30.

Ameen Harron because his work is amazing and he’s absolutely ahead of his time production-wise.

3 Because I’m biased, I’m going to say me [Laughs]. Self-promotion is a real thing with me.

Photography Courtesy images


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