Musical theatre fans, rejoice! The award-winning Rent has opened at the Artscape and one of the performers is the enormously talented Namisa Mdlalose, a classically trained singer and actress. Only 22 years old, Namisa has already amassed a number of outstanding achievements in her field, including an invitation to audition for Juilliard Performing Arts School in New York. We chatted to Namisa to find out what she loves about the Mother City.

1 How does Cape Town inspire your creativity? 

I would definitely have to say the people of Cape Town inspire me most. Cape Town has the incredible ability to create spaces and platforms for different kinds of people to interact in. Being part of the cast of Rent is a testament to that. The story itself is about a community with various intersectionalities that sometimes break them apart but then pulls them back together again. One of my favourite things is finding these places and, honestly, all you have to do is open your eyes. The city itself is an adventure but so are the humans who dwell in it.

2 What do you love most about this city?

Would it be cheating if I have the same answer twice?  Again, the people of Cape Town create the culture of Cape Town. I feel the Cape Town I’ve come to love would not be the same without the people.

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them?

I guess it would depend on the friend. Generally, I wouldn’t just go to one place. I’d probably take them for a drive around the coast and, together, find a place to stop and watch the sunset – I love sunsets.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Creative. Diverse. Beautiful.

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

I would take a sizable box and put a few Capetonians in it. I’d obviously poke a few holes for them to breathe.

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?

‘Come see Rent the musical performed at the Artscape Arena Theatre from 16 – 25 February’ – honestly, one of my favourite catchphrases at the moment.

7 Three Capetonian performers we should be following online?

Jessie Zinn, Puleng Stewart, Emilie Badenhorst – and The 2017 South African Cast of Rent!

Rent is showing at Artscape from 16 – 25 February 2017. 

Photography Courtesy images


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