Life in the Mother City is incredible and it’s a shame to take it too seriously – just ask radio jock and personality Carl Wastie! Cape {Town} Etc quizzed Carl, who’ll be heating up our airwaves on KFM soon, about some of his favourite things in Cape Town and how he can teach us a thing or two about being energetic in this city we love.

1 How does Cape Town influence your personality?

Cape Town is a dynamic place defined by its balance of beauty and energy. I’d like to think that has rubbed off on me positively. The people are friendly, the food is amazing and everything is 20 minutes away, so basically it describes who I am: friendly, food-loving and never too far away to help out!

2 What do you love most about this city?

The people and their diversity. Many of my Joburg friends come down to this city and say that it’s ‘clique-y’ but I can’t agree with that because if you pay attention, you can experience so many religions and cultures in a two-block radius. The only thing ‘clique-y’ about the Cape is the beautiful language that’s IsiXhosa #justsaying.

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, what would be the must-visit place you’d take them?

I’d probably take my friend to the Big Bay area first for that breathtaking view of Table Mountain, then we’ll do a Golden Dish Special cut in four on the bonnet of my car.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Three (creative, energetic, picturesque, mysterious, adventurous, historically enriched) Words.

I have stuck to the question here if you think about it…

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

It would probably be a flash drive preloaded with pictures showcasing every crevice of Cape Town’s beauty. The drive would be shaped like a Table Mountain Gatsby (I’m on to something here, I’m sure).

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?

One cannot disregard the versatility of the word ‘Awe’/’Aweh’. It provides a positive response to questions, an expression of amazement and a friendly greeting all in one.

7 Who are three Capetonians you think we should be following online?

Yaaseen Barnes on Twitter. He’s a close friend and an award-winning comedian who gets my punny one-line humour better than most. His humour is ‘droeg’ and it will make you laugh till you are moeg!

DJ Lloyd on Twitter and Instagram – this dude is constantly creating and he keeps on moving to create his empire but he never forgets to give back, @DJLoyd on Twitter and Instagram.

Nadia Jaftha of Birdline Blog – she’s super on trend, funny and awesome! Follow her on Instagram as well as on her YouTube channel, which features her equally hilarious mom.

Photography Courtesy images

Don’t forget to catch up on last week’s #CTEConvos with the creative Maria Magdalena here. 


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