It’s evident that natural beauty is all around us in Cape Town, but sometimes we miss the finer things. Capetonian singer and songwriter, now music sensation, Jimmy Nevis reminds us about the Cape’s most stunning features in this week’s Cape Convos.

1 How does Cape Town influence your music?

It’s a creative space – i’m influenced by it’s natural beauty – the ocean, the mountain, etc.

2 What do you love most about this city?

The fact that you can see Table Mountain from almost anywhere  – no matter how near or far.

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them first?

I would take them hiking – we have so many incredible mountains and trails that show off the beauty of our city and the ocean.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Vibrant. Unapologetic. Natural.

jimmy nevis

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

I think it would be my album? I’m proud of my roots!!!!

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?


7 Three Capetonians we should be following online.

These are all musicians!

Photography courtesy images


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