Andrew Buckland returns to Cape Town with Blue/Orange, a drama that tells the story of a young black man, Christopher, who displays signs of borderline schizophrenia. He claims to be the illegitimate son of Idi Amin, while insisting that oranges are blue.

Despite this, Christopher is excited. His month of observation in a psychiatric unit is up and he is homeward bound. But Bruce, his young psychiatrist, and his mentor and supervisor, Robert, can’t agree on his diagnosis and whether sending him home is advisable. Christopher becomes the ball in a deadly match of power between the two white men.

Performed at the Baxter Theatre, the play offers a unique perspective of sanity and insanity: who is mad and what does that term even mean? It wittily – but sensitively – deals with cultural and racial prejudice and mental illness, and the performances by Buckland and his co-stars are heartfelt, authentic and real. I am a great fan of Buckland’s work, and it’s always a treat to see him perform in my city. This play is no exception.

Blue/Orange is written by Joe Penhall, stars Nicholas Pauling and Marty Kintu, and is directed by Clare Stopford. To raise awareness about mental illness, a special evening will be taking place on 25 February: in conversation with mental health specialists Mark Solms and Sean Bauman.

Where Baxter Theatre, Main Road, Rondebosch
When 12 February – 14 March 2015
Cost R120 – R150
Contact +27 21 685 7880,



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