I remember seeing Lorraine Loots‘ Twitter page two years ago and it said ‘I make paintings for ants’. Curious, I followed her Tumblr link and was stunned. She had committed to a year-long project during which she would create one miniature painting each day. The painting could be anything she saw or experienced in her day, and, holding herself accountable, she would share it on Instagram. I’ve been following her on Instagram ever since.
Like any great project, ‘365 Paintings for Ants’ grew from strength to strength, as did her popularity. After the year was successfully completed she showcased all 365 paintings in an exhibition that had an incredible response and turnout. Instead of rounding things up then and there, Lorraine committed to a second year of miniatures.
‘365 Postcards for Ants is the second phase of a project I started on 1 January 2013, which involved me creating a miniature painting every single day for the entire year,’ she says. In celebration of Cape Town’s designation as World Design Capital 2014, she created miniature paintings that were all Cape Town themed. You can now view all 365 paintings in one place, at 6 Spin Street, until 5 February 2015. Both 2013 and 2014’s retrospective posters will also be on display.
Where 6 Spin Street, CBD (Park in the parkade next to the Townhouse Hotel in Corporation Street, or take a MyCiti bus to the venue)
When 17 January – 5 February 2015
Cost Free
Contact +27 21 461 0666, lorraineloots.com
Tarien Bruwer
Joubert Stander
Pieter Blake
Lorraine love your work!