What is believed to be South Africa’s first drive-thru strip club has opened its doors in Port Elizabeth. Candy’s is offering its clients snacks, beer and entertaining dance routines, and has been doing so since the beginning of the week.

The club, which is based in Walmer, has showgirls dancing in masks who will also serve you alcohol.

“There’s not much else to do in town at the moment, no bars or clubs to go to. This will provide some fun and at the same time help these girls to earn some much-needed money after a long time sitting at home,” owner Charl Muller told HeraldLIVE.

Muller had to close Candy’s in March as the national lockdown was first instated, and this has meant that business has suffered for several months. As Level 3 regulations came into effect on Monday, June 1, Candy’s is able to sell liquor for off-site consumption as it has a liquor license.

“Our out-of-town girls left for home just before lockdown but we’ve still got 20 girls and they’re looking forward to engaging with the public again,” Muller said. “We’ll have six girls on at a time and each customer, relaxing in his car, can enjoy two songs and a great experience. The girls will do their own show but I’m sure there will be plenty of skin. They will use props and we’ll have themes — one day bikinis, the next G-strings and so on. We’ll keep it interesting and we’ll advertise as we go along.”

The drive-thru shows will be available each day, from 10am onwards.

“The regulations say liquor sales must end at 5pm but if there’s a big demand for the shows then we can carry on just with them after dark,” Muller added. “We’ll take the girls’ temperatures and they’ll be wearings masks and will observe the correct social distance from the cars.”

Picture: Unsplash
