Anticipation for pop idol Justin Bieber’s concert comes to a boiling point next week as he is set to perform in Cape Town on 17th May.

Concerts, in general, are a frantic ordeal, but with Justin, we’re predicting next-level pandemonium. Girls and guys of all ages are gearing up, strategising and equipping themselves for a day of heavy-duty camp-out and stomp sessions, amid a healthy dose of pushing and shoving among an exhilarated crowd. Ultimately a game of survival of the fittest, we’ve rounded up the essentials needed to endure the Purpose Tour experience and live to tell the tale.

The most important tool to get you through the door. Whether it be an actual ticket, a printout or soft copy on your phone, ensure you have the proof you need to see your idol up-close. It doesn’t hurt to triple check before leaving the house to avoid disappointment.

Loose change
You never know what unexpected situation may arise. Always keep some spare cash for those trying times, as well as for parking at the venue (which can be pretty pricey), pre-show, drinks and snacks – and just in case just can’t bare to go home without a little souvenir from the Purpose Tour merch stand.

Comfortable shoes
From what we know, JB concerts involve a lot of waiting around. Or rather, camping out for days at a time. If you do not have reserved seating and are hoping to get a good standing position, you’ll have to put in a good few hours of waiting in line. Ditch the heels in favour of flats or sneakers to make this process easier. You’ll thank yourself once the crowd gets hyped and the baseline from those upbeat no. 1’s you’ve been jamming to all year starts pulsating through your limbs.

Speaking of camping in line, if you’re a part of the super-fan club and plan on cementing your spot a night or two before the show, bringing along a blanket or pillow might be a good idea. We’re guessing the queuing party will go on until the wee hours, but if you do need 40 winks, you’ll have somewhere soft to lay your head and something to protect you from the icy wind.

Cellphone and portable charger
Selfies in the car on the way to the venue, videos for when Justin surprises the crowd with a throwback from his debut album, snaps with the crew outside the stadium and not to mention emergencies. This is one essential you’d hate to forget. Also, when the Biebs pulls out his moving ballads, you’ll need some sort of light to hold up whilst he swoons the crowd. A portable charger might come in handy too, so you can capture precious memories all night long.

This may save you when you’re gridlocked en mass and the hunger pangs kick-in suddenly. Keep something in your bag that is non-perishable and easy to eat with your hands, like an energy or granola bar.

The fortunate minority who bagged themselves backstage VIP tickets will need tools for JB’s autograph and personalised message. A notepad and pen, an old T-shirt or any other item you’d like as a keepsake will do. If you’re part of the common folk with regular tickets, there’s nothing wrong with lugging around these items too. Perhaps by some miracle, ou’ll come into close contact with Justin and get your chance, especially if you’re part of the mob that is sure to cluster outside the One&Only where he’s always rumoured to be staying.

Remedy ringing ears after the concert with a stick of gum, or freshen up your breath before the backstage meet-and-greet (we can only dream!).

Hand Sanitizer
This little weapon needs no explanation. A quick spritz will freshen up grubby hands and grimy surfaces.

Aside from the above, keep the items in your bag to a minimum. You don’t want a heavy weight restricting your movements when Justin’s rolling out the hits. Try a compact backpack or a light sling bag. Likewise, streamline your purse with only the cash and cards that you’ll need. Your gym membership and that receipt from three weeks ago are not necessary. These few simple items can go a long way and make sure your night is one for the books!

Photography Archives/Getty


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