The 15th BANFF Mountain film festival world tour has arrived in South Africa. The pre-screening featured inspiring documentary shorts as well as the two winners of the Cape Union Mart Adventure Film Challenge.

Cape Town’s favourite mountain was featured in the winner of the Adventure Film Challenge Amateur category winner, “Kloof Corner Ridge.” The four-minute short film features adventure enthusiast Andre Gie and top trail runner Kaine Reilly traversing the well-known corner of Table Mountain, which many only see from above while going up the cable car.

The second winner, from the professional filmmaker category, Free Diver by Timothy Hay, follows South African free diving champion Natalie Rudman on her underwater explorations, while she explains what this sport means to her over incredible underwater footage.

The shorts imported from the official film festival selection featured unbelievable stories of people going beyond their limits and re-defining mountain sports. From following the journey of the first woman to complete one of the hardest graded climbs to running alongside a 97 year-old man up mountains, there is no shortage of inspiring stories among this year’s films. Even the most unenthusiastic mountaineer can’t help but leave this screening ready to take on a challenge.

The shorts will be showing  from October 23 to November 4 at Ster-Kenikor cinemas.

Picture: Kane Reilly/ Twitter
