It’s a very beautiful and curious place, the land of social media. If it were actually real (which it is not) what would it look like? Would all sunsets be incredibly dreamy and vivid? Would every girl be “thick” and done up all the time? Would deep quotes replace the stars with the night sky as their backdrop?

I can’t think too much on what it would look like, but I certainly know what this world feels like, writes Cape {town} Etc’s Ashleigh Nefdt. When it comes to social media, I don’t know if I love to hate it, or hate to love it, but I do understand it.

My feelings are not the world’s feelings though and so I asked people about their views on the land of social media.

Question. What’s the weirdest part of social media for you to wrap your head around? 

1. Failing to realise it isn’t reality.

“We compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlights reel.” – @jaytizzle__.

We’re looking at everyone’s best and comparing it to our everyday lives. Why we do this seems almost illogical when we look at it succinctly, yet there’s a part of our minds that continuously does anyway. Can we not just turn off that setting?

Then we get to talking about influencers and photoshop culture. Again, we know it’s not real so why judge anyone? Once again, personally I think it says more about society’s pressures on who we should be/look like, than the people who encompass them.

2.People are only as tough as their phone allows them to be.

“The fact that some people feel less accountable because they said things behind a screen instead of in person.” -@batsiraii.

Truer words have never been spoken. If it’s authenticity we’re after, surely it has to start in all spaces of our lives?

This goes on to another topic that a lot of people brought to light, which is how mean people can be on social media, but still post quotes like “light & love.” Though context is always important, there’s never a reason to spread hate, period.

“The effort that goes into it and how many people do the most for social media to project.” @tshiamo.mariti

The concept of social media is branding yourself and your slice of the universe. If it’s something you enjoy doing, flourish. But as it is with an actual job, rest when you need to, and always check your intentions. Why are you actually posting something? Is it a conversation you want to have with your world, or with a few select people in it?

“The fact that people take it as seriously as real life,” -@prettyjofflu.

Sometimes we all need to rest. It’s just a part of the our world, not the whole world.


“Having an insta for an aesthetic and a finsta where you’re authentic. Why do we hide ourselves?” -@rob_kleyn. 

This concept might be foreign to some, but a finsta is a ‘fake Instagram’, A.K.A another Instagram account that ironically is actually more real. Funny videos, no filters or editing go into the posts. It really is for the vibes. Finstas exist as a safe and silly space, which says a lot more about society. We want to be who we are, but not all of who we are is ‘acceptable.’

4.DM Culture.

“How some couples in the future are going to tell their children they met because of a DM,” [email protected]

It’s crazy to think that DMs are the younger generation, my generation’s means of courting! Love letters are now good morning texts, and roses are relatable memes. There is a romance that we’ve lost. However, there are also sweet love stories that started because of an “I like your T-shirt” reply. It all depends on your cup of tea.

5.Everyone’s an expert. 

“People think scrolling on social media is science research,” -@curatedbyryyan. 

Your algorithm and your social media space shows your interests, and people who think like you. But so often what we see is not all there is. Fake news is real and you don’t have a degree in politics because you follow CNN. Challenge yourself to find out more on actual articles and journals.

6. Political agendas are driven through socials. 

That political agendas are sometimes driven through socials,”-@megholesgrove.

We were taught about propaganda in history, but did we really think it ended when the century did?

7.If you’re taking a break, something is wrong.

“That people find it weird when you’re not on social media or not showing your whole life on it,” – @ashleighhh3.

With socials, people expect constant availability. Then when we take a break, something must be up. Whether it’s in silence or on your own stage, flourish however you please. Set boundaries and remember to take care of the person behind the screen (YOU!).

Picture: @peppy_colours


