It’s going to be an eventful weekend in the Mother City, with rain expected on Sunday as well as a long-awaited astrological event.

This Sunday, July 5 locals will be able to gaze up at the sky and catch a glimpse of the penumbral lunar eclipse.

During this unusual lunar event, the Earth’s main shadow does not cover the moon. Instead, a lighter shadow is cast over the moon by the edge of the Earth’s shadow.

Often mistaken for a super moon, this kind of eclipse occurs when the sun, moon and the Earth are imperfectly aligned. It is called the penumbral lunar eclipse because the outer part of the Earth’s shadow is known as the Penumbra.

According to Time and Date, the unusual sight will be visible from Cape Town at roughly 5am and reach its maximum by 6.30am.

This is not the last exciting astronomical event of the month. Check out our list of star-gazer favourites to look out for this July.

Also read: Exciting astronomical events to look out for this July

Also read: 9 looney lunar eclipse superstitions

Picture: Unsplash
