While some are disregarding lockdown rules, others have taken it upon themselves to aid the government by reinforcing the rules in their own ways.

One such dutiful resident, believed to live in Hermanus, even took to using a megaphone to address a rogue neighbour observed outside his house.

A video was posted online showing the man with the megaphone looking from his balcony and saying “Aan die oom met die groen K-Way baadjie, asseblief gaan terug na sy plek van woning. Oom Cyril het ons mooi gevra om by die huis te bly,” translated as “To the uncle in the green K-Way jacket, please return to your place of residence. Uncle Cyril has asked us nicely to stay at home.”

The man’s referral to President Cyril Ramaphosa as “uncle Cyril” had social media users in stitches. Calling an older male “uncle” in Afrikaans is a show of respect but using the President’s first name adds a familiarity, making it sound as if the man is reprimanding a youngster for not obeying a close family member.

The classic K-Way jacket reference further adds to the joke, as it has become a stereotypical symbol of the middle-aged white Afrikaans man and was the perfect generic description.

We do hope that “uncle Cyril” commends this man for being his eyes and ears, reminding citizens to stay at home! Watch the hilarious scene here:

Picture: Screenshot
