It’s nearly time for Plett Rage and we’ve put together information on what to expect at the popular school-leaver’s celebration.

Plett Rage, traditionally beginning after matric examinations end, is a week-long celebration at the seaside town of Plettenberg Bay, where annually the town is flooded with parties and gatherings at the end of November, attracting matriculants from the country over.

Comparable to spring break in the US, Plett Rage is all about the party. There is no way to sugar-coat that pill however, but the festival advertises the next chapter in the life of school-leavers, a reason to celebrate having finished twelve years of schooling. During this time an itinerary of events are arranged by various organisers including 5fm and Plett Tourism, with dozens of musical artists from around South Africa performing. Beach, sun, sand and surf is the order of the day here, while by night nightclubs open their doors to young adults – strictly to those who are over the age of 18 years.

Accommodation within this scenic Garden Route town ranges from camping options and B&B’s, right up to swanky hotels – whatever the budget allows.

Responsible behaviour is enforced by the organisers of Plett Rage, and parents can take comfort in the fact that additional security is hired during this time to allow matriculants to enjoy a hassle-free experience. Tickets can be purchased online, with several passes available.

Photography Courtesy


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