In February, David Krut Projects presented Permanent Culture, Stephen Hobbs’ first solo show in Cape Town since 2009, that runs until 25 April.

Now, and just in time for First Thursdays, SAS Somerset & Other War Stories, a counterpoint to Hobbs’ solo exhibition, will be on show in Spin Street.

The SAS Somerset is an Iziko Maritime Museum artefact and the world’s last remaining Boom Defense Vessel. This installation by Stephen Hobbs represents the pre-production state of a series of performances on the vessel; a project still in development.

The installation will demonstrate Hobbs’ unique use of patterning and lighting on to a replica of the SAS Somerset. The intention is to transform the vessel’s significance in both location and history.

Works from Permanent Culture will also be on view for the duration of this temporary installation. Certainly worth a perusal on your First Thursday jaunt.

Where 25, First Floor, 8 Spin Street, CBD
When Thursday 2 April 2015 5–9 pm (as part of First Thursdays), walkabout at 4 pm
Contact +27 21 685 0676,


Photography Courtesy


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