Each year, Google releases its most searched terms for each country and this year South Africa has some pretty interesting combinations that remind us of the year come and gone, as well as inspire a little giggle here and there.

Essentially, this report allows users to see what was trending in 2019 and might spark a few memories along the way. Categories featured include trending musical personalities, movies, ‘Near Me’ searches, recipes, questions and more.

Without further a-do, here’s what SA searched in 2019:

Top trending ‘Near Me’ searches

1. Jobs near me

2. Parks near me

3. Restaurants near me

4. McDonalds near me

5. Hotels near me

Top Trending Movies

1. Avengers Endgame

2. Captain Marvel

3. When They See Us

4. Aquaman

5. Lion King

Trending musical personalities

1. Johnny Clegg

2. Thami Shobede

3. Nipsey Hussle

4. Mampintsha

5. Oliver Mtukudzi

Top trending questions

1. Why were cornflakes invented

2. What time is the rugby World Cup final

3. How many votes for a seat in Parliament

4. How did Cameron Boyce die

5. How long is a rugby match

Trending recipes

1. Pornstar Martini recipe

2. Pickled fish recipe

3. Lasagna recipe

4. Chicken stew recipe

5. Spaghetti recipe

Top trending searches 

1. Load shedding

2. Election results

3. Thanos

4. IEC

5. Fiona Viotti

While some of these searches have us scratching our heads thinking, “why would anyone want to know why cornflakes were invented?“, others remind us of scandals at local schools, non-rugby fans just trying to survive a season of World Cup rugby and legends come and gone.

If you are just as curious as us as to why South Africans searched “why cornflakes were invented?” click here. 

As we say goodbye to 2019 in the next few weeks, we hope our 2020 top search results will not include load shedding, but that could just be wishful thinking.

Picture: Pixabay
