Locals have been pondering Clover’s milk bottles that have suddenly appeared in a blue colour. Many theories have popped up, from bubblegum flavoured milk to limited edition Smurf milk but when Clover “answered”, more questions arose.

Clover took to social media to address the question, “Why are Clover Milk bottles blue?” with the help of a blue man.

Painted in all blue and wearing a blue hat and shirt, the man shared some theories and questions from the public and instead asked them to give their theories about why the colour of the bottles had changed.

People on Twitter went wild with reactions, not only with regards to the blue bottles but also the blue man himself.

Many complained that the Clover man’s voice was too high, that he is “creepy” and that the ad campaign was questionable. Some went as far as to say that Clover should fire their marketing agency. Others praised the company for their smart marketing.

After much deliberation from the public, it was revealed that the new colour of bottles is simply Clover’s way of keeping things as fresh as their milk and sticking to their brand colour.

The change of colour has made many people notice the bottles on the shelf more and got many more talking about it, which is ultimately what the company was aiming for.

Picture: Twitter
