Capetonians are a unique breed, born in the shadow of Table Mountain, forged by the powerful winds of the South East and moulded by the salty waves as they crash against the shore. Through the years, our one of a kind descendants have passed on practices which we have carried down for generations that can still be witnessed to this very day.


Cape Town Has It’s Own Time


In Cape Town, time is irrelevant. An hour could mean four hours and the famous now now, just now and right now all have the same meaning – while simultaneously meaning completely different things. If you’re used to the pace of people in Johannesburg or Pretoria get ready to dial it down a few hundred notches.

Odds are if your Capetonian friend says they are right around the corner, they haven’t even left their house yet.


The Rain Is A Serious Drain 


Yes, we have no water – but the recent rains have caused excessive drain to the average Capetonian.

Not only does an immediate state of housebound hibernation ensue as rain begins to fall, but traffic during a rain shower is seemingly lethargic and purposeless beyond bounds. Drivers forget where they were going in the first place or even how to drive.


There’s No Things, Like Free Things 


When it comes to free things, Capetonians are first in line. Even if the free things are not something they would need or ever use, free is free.

Samples are king, goodie bags are great and buy 1 get 1 free is the ultimate personification of happiness.


We Don’t Over Greet 


One Capetonian greeting is enough to last you a year. It’s not that we are bad at greeting, it’s just that we’re so good at greeting that there’s no need to greet you every time we see you.

So if you’re new to this habit of limited welcomings, try not to take it personally.


We Are Instagram Gold


Every Capetonian is an Instagram influencer, whether its just in our minds or in reality. Going somewhere beautiful? Better be prepared for a number of stop, start, photoshoots. Having something decadent to eat? Better wait till its cold so we can get the best picture from every angle. Leaving for an event you’re already late for? Better be prepared to be extra late because first, we’re gonna take a selfie… or five.


Picture: Pixabay


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