Cape Town man Derek Boshard was left feeling helpless when his young daughter Erin was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Dup15q. The disease left her unable to walk.

Recently Erin expressed that she wanted to walk again, so Boshard started looking for options to help her. Rather than buying an expensive walking device, Boshard decided to craft one himself.

What started as a way to help his daughter walk again quickly turned into a way to help disabled people and children all over Cape Town take their first steps.

Boshard and his mobility devices.

Boshard began creating a unique mobility device with a variety of materials. He landed up building a walker made from PVC piping.

His invention worked amazingly and Erin was scooting around in her newly made walker in no time. The device allowed her core and legs to regain strength, allowing Erin to once again feel free.

Noticing Erin’s progress and sharing it on Facebook, Boshard had unintentionally created an extremely helpful cause.

Erin, Boshard, Layla and her dad, Berty

Erin’s dream of walking is shared by many children suffering from the same or similar conditions. Boshard has been able to share his invention with them.

What started with one little girl wanting to walk, touched the lives of countless others, bringing them happiness and freedom that once seemed impossible.

Boshard has built a huge number of PVC walkers for people who need help on their feet and to become stronger through practice.

Another happy little one finally getting the chance to walk.

Boshard is helping many who could not afford costly mobility devices, who are suffering from global development delay (GDD), cerebral palsy and brain damage, to walk again.

Now he is hoping to generate funding to better equip his garage, with the sole purpose of building the PVC walkers faster and to help as many people in need as possible, like young Linka:

“I’m receiving requests from families, schools and organisations to make walkers for them, so I have decided to put more time, R&D and resources into making this into a small business to make and supply affordable walkers all over Africa, and who knows, maybe all over the world!

“I want to raise funds so that I can set up my garage with the right tools and materials to build more walkers, and to build them faster. I want to be able to donate walkers to families and sample walkers to schools. Help me start my business building affordable walkers for kids with disabilities!” says Boshard.

You can help Boshard make the dreams of children and adults all over Cape Town by supporting his business and spreading the word here.

Pictures: Facebook


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