I always found the meaning behind my mom’s name interesting. In Latin, her name means “she-bear,” which is funny because that’s exactly how I would describe her. She is a force to be reckoned with and is fierce and tough when it comes to protecting anything she believes in, including her little cub.

As a mamma bear, she would fight off any predators that even thought of harming me. She had no problem with getting into squabbles with teachers, aunts, or a friend’s mom over something that jeopardized my safety or security. At the time, it was embarrassing seeing my mom making a “big deal” out of “nothing”, but today I can see it for what it was – a fierce love and motherly instinct that only wanted the best for me.

As the years went on and I stepped into the role of “woman,” I learned the biggest and hardest lesson of all – mothers are human. Shocking, I know, but I think this is something we tend to forget. Our moms are so many things to so many people – superwoman, sister, mother, daughter, confidant, chef – the list goes on. But they are also people with their own insecurities, flaws, and battles.

It’s a lesson that I’ve grappled with over the last few years. However, despite the growing pains that we’ve experienced in our mother-daughter relationship, I am grateful. 

I’m grateful to my mother for continuing to mould me into the woman that I am today. I’m grateful for her unwavering love and support, despite the need for separateness.

So, here’s to you, mommy. Thank you for always protecting me even when I didn’t ask you. Thank you for loving me despite the pain that it causes you. Thank you for being there for me, even when I don’t ask you. And most of all, thank you for being my biggest protector.

I love and appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for me. Happy Mother’s Day.

Picture: Unsplash
