A father and son went the extra mile to walk from their home in Samora Michel transporting their dogs in a wheelbarrow to Phillippi where they could have them safely sterilised. 

Dedicated animal lover, Mr. Bheko, set an example for pet owners everywhere when he took it upon himself to complete a lengthly journey on the 17th September to transport his two dogs to an outreach education session where he could have them sterilised.

Bheko could not afford to have his beloved furry friends sterilised elsewhere, and instead of giving up and allowing them to possibly have unwanted litters or health problems, he took action.

Mr. Bheko along with his son, secured their dogs in a wheelbarrow and set out on a journey to ensure their future health and happiness.

When they arrived the Cape Of Good Hope SPCA Education team said they were “privileged to encounter Mr. Bheki and his son” as they knew the importance of having the dogs sterilised and went the extra mile to ensure they received the care they needed in spite of their circumstances.

Cape Of Good Hope SPCA said they were truly impressed with the lengths he had gone to, to bring his dogs to them for assistance.


Why Sterilise?

– Sterilising stops unwanted puppies and kittens

– Reduces chances of diseases spreading to other animals or children

– Reduces violence and wandering in male dogs and cats

– Reduces chances of testicular or prostate cancer in males and womb or milk gland cancer in females.


Did You Know?

Each unsterlised female dog and her babies could make 65 000 more dogs in just 6 years.

Each unsterlised female cat and her kittens could make 120 000 more cats in just 7 years.

Pets should be sterilised before 6 months of age.

Sterilised pets are happier, healthier and better looking.


The local team expressed their gratitude to Mr. Bheko as many other pet owners don’t take their responsibilities as seriously even when they can afford the treatments necessary.

“Pet ownership is a responsibility and we are indebted to people like Mr. Bheko – a shining example of what a caring and dedicated owner should look like.”

 Despite his own circumstances he chose to work with the SPCA to do the right thing for his animals. Thank you Mr. Bheko!” said Tara McGovern from Cape Of Good Hope SPCA. 


Pictures: Supplied


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