Sunday, May 9, Mother’s Day – a day where we take the time to appreciate our mothers for all that they do and to thank her because if it was not for her, we all would not be here today.

I take this time to thank my mom for all she has done for me and still continues to do for me. I am the eldest of two and I would not be the woman I am today without her guidance, morals, love and care.

Each time I go back into baby albums and look at the pictures of us together, I feel the warmth that I still feel up until today, being 24 years of age.

Here is a throwback to when my brother and I were way younger:

My mother is my best friend and someone I cannot picture living life without. She makes my favourite meals when I am feeling down or even just craving it on a random day for no other reason.

We all have our disagreements and have our off days, but be thankful if your mom is still a part of your life and healthy, so that there are still many more years to create unforgettable memories.

I admire my mom for her inspiration, her guidance, her flaws and her imperfections. Overall, my mom is perfect in my eyes.

Have an amazing Mother’s Day, Cape Town. Hold her close, give her loads of hugs, kisses and where you can, make every day a Mother’s Day to appreciate your mom.

I love you, mom. Always and forever. I wish you nothing but a bright year ahead and I hope you appreciate this message as much as I appreciate you.

