Never forget the hands that raised you!

These are the words that crept into Betha Madhomu’s mind, as she sat down to write this short tribute to her mother.

And here she writes!

Indeed many of us grew up under the watchful eyes and guidance of a woman – mother, grandmother, aunt, and so on. These women consequently became our pillars of life, as they groomed us to be who we are today.

Their role in our upbringing can never be undervalued, for they toiled day and night just so we could have food on the table, go to school and become the proud professionals that we are today. Some even sold their last goat, cow, donkey… just so they could raise money to pay for that last examination fee. Oh yes, many can identify with this.

Admittedly, we can never thank these women enough. Actually, there can never be the best way to appreciate these strong, tender loving, and beautiful souls.


Of course, Mother’s Day is here again. And for me, it’s time to reflect on the sacrifices that my mom, Melody Madhomu, made to model me into this human being that I have become.

Her role in my life has been super amazing, not to mention the amount of ubuntu that she has instilled in me and my siblings over the years.

Oh, yes, I honour her for her true motherly love, kindness, gentleness, caring nature, selflessness, bravery, friendliness, honesty, and PRAYERFULNESS.

She is my true super heroine.

Thank you mhamha!

Thank you Samaz yangu!

Picture: Unsplash
