Explorer bartenders from all across the world are invited to submit a bold and unique cocktail recipe that transcends borders, cities and cultures, using key, local ingredient that complements Opihr.

After five years of gin excellence, Opihr for the first time in South Africa, has opened entries to the Opihr World Adventure Cocktail Competition.

Entrants must upload a picture of their cocktail to Instagram accompanied by the story behind it and tag @Opihrgin, use the hashtag #OpihrWorld and a geotag for the city you are in.

Bartenders who are selected for the most inspiring recipes will be invited to a live final in South Africa to share their creation and story with local judges Mmiso Luphondo and Justice Mukheli as well as last year’s global winner Aaron Pollack from Chicago who will announce the winning bartender to go through to the grand final.

The final will take place from 24 to 27 September in the vibrant and colourful Istanbul, where ten bartenders will compete for the ultimate title, The Spirit of Opihr.

Inspired by the adventurous merchants who traversed the Spice Route in ancient times, Opihr{O-peer} Oriental Spiced Gin is a London Dry Gin infused with exotic hand-picked botanicals, spices and herbs. Uniquely flavoursome, it intrigues and delights the senses, and is fast gaining a loyal following amongst bartenders and discerning drinkers in over 100 countries worldwide

In 2016 Opihr Oriental Spiced Gin was noted as the World’s fastest growing premium gin.

Opihr is made with a fusion of exotic botanicals, herbs and spices historically gathered and traded along the Spice Route. Spanish orange peel from Seville, Moroccan coriander seed from port towns, Italian juniper fromVenice, Grapefruit peel from Istanbul, Indian tellicherry black peppers from the South Eastern Shores of Kerala and cubeb peppers from the historic Malaysian city of Malacca.

To this day, all botanicals are hand sourced in their country of origin before being transported to England where they are placed by hand into the copper stills and the process of distillation begin.


Picture: Supplied


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