Woolworths will soon be selling “honee”, a vegan alternative to honey. The product is made by Herbivore, a local vegan business run by a Cape Town couple. The product will hit 100 stores on September 16.

Honee is made from concentrated apple juice rather than bee saliva. It is posed to be a vegan alternative to honey. Honey is often mistaken for being vegan-friendly. However, bees make honey for themselves, not for human consumption.

According to the Vegan Society, honey is an energy source for bees and provides them with essential nutrients during Winter. Some beekeepers use unethical and unpractical methods that can harm the health of the bees and spread disease. Many vegans thus do not consume honey as it can be considered cruel and exploitative.

“Honey is essentially a food source for the bees,” Herbivore founder Chanel Grantham told Business Insider. “The population of bees is declining and yet the demand for honey is going up. We’re giving people an alternative.”

Honee will sell for R57 and comes in 330g size, with 1363 kilojoules of energy per 100g serving.

Picture: Pixabay
