At last, coffee without the guilt. Swart is a new cold crafted coffee, made of 100% organic, fair-trade single origin coffee beans and pure natural spring water. No sugar. No preservatives. No additives. And it’s now on the market.

Like fine wine, the mission is to introduce a culture of fine bean appreciation. Through a slow and careful process of cold extraction, the often understated subtleties and unique qualities of the bean are captured, bringing to the pallet an array of flavours that were once left dormant.

Swart is Afrikaans, meaning black. Naturally black resembles the cold crafted coffee perfected by Swart – no milk, no additives, no artificial flavours, no preservatives, and no sugar. Just plain black.

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The man behind the bean is Durbanite Ernest Andrews. Part Brew Master and part Helicopter Pilot, Ernest spent a good part of two years tirelessly refining his signature cold brew. Inspired by Brew Masters and Chefs abroad, Ernest took this further by refining the brewing process for the best possible bean extraction. But, behind every successful man is a successful woman. Ernest’s partner in ‘grind’ and life, Nicette dos Santos is the second half to the dynamic duo. Part Cellist and part Digital Design Consultant, Nicette is responsible for all design, branding, marketing and business development endeavours, in addition to tasting guinea pig.

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Swart is the first to introduce to South Africa a non-alcoholic Cold Coffee Draft on tap as well as a non-alcoholic cold concentrated coffee mélange for cocktails – introducing the consumer to an entirely new way of experiencing and enjoying coffee, whilst also offering an unconventional alternative for day/night time thirst quenching.

Visit Swart at or get in touch at [email protected].

1 Comment
  • Brigitte Wiltshire Sweetpea
    Brigitte Wiltshire Sweetpea
    October 7, 2015 at 8:18 pm

    Coffee experts Jay Wiltshire Marisa Campagna would you try this???

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