There’s nothing like twisting the top off a cider, taking a few gulps followed by an ‘ahhh’ as the refreshing, flavoursome drink trickles down your throat. This is the perfect thing to do on a hot summer day.

Wait, actually there’s something even better: a gluten-free, craft cider. Cluver & Jack Cider Company creates thirst-quenching ciders, perfect for when the hot weather decides to make an appearance. Or you can just have it whenever you feel like.

Cluver & Jack creates ciders on their lovely De Rust farm, nuzzled between the Elgin Valley and Groenland Mountains. Cluver & Jack make it crystal clear that real cider can only be made from farmed, freshly-pressed, unadulterated apple juice. This is how they make their cider, which they bottle and send off to stores just for you.

cluver & jack cider company

The staff take their jobs seriously and make their ciders in a special way. Tree-grown apples are hand-picked, chopped and then pressed to release all the juice. Instead of using a filter, the juice is gravity-clarified in chilled tanks.

The juice then ferments at cool temperatures to release the aromatic taste in the apple juice. There after, the juice is bottled and sparkling CO2 is added to produce the fizzy goodness that we all know and love: the cider.

Cluver & Jack’s famous craft cider focuses on natural, fresh apple flavours. The cider is drier than high volume, commercial ciders and could be paired with different foods, just as normal table wine would be paired to release flavours and aromas.

cluver & jack cider company

If you aren’t impressed by this process (because not all of us make cider), the only thing you need to know is that the cider is great. Just one sip confirms this. Trust us, we’ve tried it!

Want to keep a few ciders for later in the year? No worries, these craft ciders can be stored for at least five years. So when your friends from overseas come to visit, you’ll be sure to crack open a cold bottle of Cluver & Jack without having to worry about the expiry date.

Granny Smith apples are used to make the  craft ciders, the other ingredients are kept secret (we’re talking the Krabby Patty formula kind of secret) by the Cluver & Jack farming families living in the Western Cape.

Photography courtesy Cluver & Jack 


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