If you were at Design Indaba 2015, chances are you got your hands on one of Didis Bitchin’ Burritos at the food truck corral across the road (if you didn’t we’re afraid you definitely missed out).

We caught up with owner Dani Bensimon to find out a little more about the burrito biz that has Cape Town buzzing.

How did Didis Bitchin’ Burritos come into existence?
Didis was inspired by a stand in the UK called Free Bird Burrito.

After moving back to SA we just couldn’t find a decent burrito so it became a pipe dream for about three years until the calling became too strong and we decided to take the leap of faith. Once the decision had been made there was no turning back!

I always wanted to start my own business and felt I wasn’t suited to what I was doing so in 2013 I quit my nine to five, bought a truck and started stuffing my friends and family with burritos until we came up with what we think are some bitchin’ burritos!


Do you have a background in food?
I had worked in hospitality for more than eight years in SA and the UK, prepping food, waiting tables and tending bars, but food was always a part of me and I’d always planned on pursuing it. 

So no official background but I do feel like the experience has helped me tremendously, and given me the knowledge I draw on almost every day in my business.


Awesome truck! How did you find it?
That’s a crazy story! I knew which model of truck I wanted, and happened to be trawling the web when a new listing popped up in George. It looked perfect.

My partner’s parents happened to be passing through George that exact day and knew a lot about cars so I asked if they would check it out and within a few hours the truck was ours!

We drove up about a month later to collect it, had a few breakdowns and adventures along the way but the day spent driving it back through the Karoo late winter is something I’ll remember forever!


What has been the biggest highlight for you since starting Didis?
That’s a hard one. I get excited really easily so every event or experience in the first year was a highlight.

But if I had to pick one it would be Rocking the Daisies. We had a really awesome team and I’m proud of what we achieved throughout that event! It’s always been the pinnacle of festivals in Cape Town and to be accepted in the first year of business was huge for us!

This is a challenging business and it keeps you on your toes but anything can be accomplished when you put your mind to it.


Where have you and the truck travelled to and how often does it operate?
The truck has travelled loads – we’ve been to Tulbagh, Strand, Pringle Bay, Caledon, Swellendam and Kommetjie to name a few, and most areas in Cape Town. It’s my favourite car! Hopefully we’ll do an Oppikoppie sometime!

In summer we generally operate weekly but I am currently trading six days a week in Salt Circle Arcade with some other awesome trucks, so come check us out!


Follow Didis Bitchin’ Burritos on Facebook and on Twitter to find out where the truck will be pulling up next.

Photography Josh Adams/HSMimages.co.za


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