The ocean is to the Earth what our heart is to our bodies. Like blood that pumps through our hearts, the oceans are the lifeblood of our planet that nourishes and feeds all living organisms. We live in an age where plastic pollution is consuming the life in our oceans, and unless we act now – each one of us, in every small way that we can – we are cutting off our blood supply and that spells disaster.

Let these statistics sink in:
– Each year, plastic pollution kills more than one-million seabirds
– Around 8-million pieces of plastics make their way into the sea every single day
– When fish are caught for human consumption, one in every three contain plastic in them
– The Great Pacific Garbage Patch size is bigger than Texas at around 1.6-million square kilometres
– Over the past 50 years, world plastic production has doubled.

As difficult as these stats are to digest, they are real and the only way for us to take control of the situation is by educating our youth to do better than we have, in the years to come.

Earth & Co is joining the fight by creating a range of dried fruit products called SOS, which are nutritious, delicious and good for the environment. More than this they offer children a chance to interact with their food because the dried fruit is also a pop out puzzle that teaches them about saving sea animals. The ‘Hero’ ultimately frees the sea animal from the plastic and saves the day.

Earth & Co Marketing Manager, Simone Stoffberg, says SOS has been introduced to the market to give a new generation of eco-conscious kids an opportunity to learn the truth of the challenges they face in their lifetime and an opportunity to be a part of the change that needs to follow.

Each packet contains a dried fruit pop out in four favourite flavours, blackcurrant, mango, strawberry and peach – as well as a collectable information card that gives children more insight into sea animals, pollution and recycling.

Best of all is that they are:

– Sulphur free
– No preservatives
– Source of Fibre
– High in vitamin C
– Vegan
– No artificial colours
– No artificial flavours
– Portion controlled
– Considered one of your ‘5 a day’.

“The threats of plastic pollution in our oceans is more apparent than ever now, so we thought why not raise awareness about this serious issue and invite engagement in tasty, interactive, and authentic way. We can only change the way we are impacting the environment if we give nature a voice,” said Stoffberg.

This product is the first of its kind on the market which catapults Earth & Co to the frontline when it comes to encouraging social change, nutrition and innovation.

These delicious treats are irresistible and a perfect addition to your child’s lunch box or an after dinner snack. Something so good for you should never taste this good. SOS are available at Dis-Chem, Spar and online at Takealot at the cost of R14.99 each.

What the kids say:
My children aged 11 and five are dried fruit fanatics, so I was surprised to see their piqued interest in the information card and puzzle, rather than the treat itself. Once they had popped out the cutout animals, which vary from turtles to penguins and whales, they read the very informative card on how to recycle and save the ocean. When they were done with the information they devoured the snack, but they retained the information, which I heard about the next few days to follow. They have also begun paying more attention to my recycling habits. More accountability means better decisions. After taste-testing all the flavours we had two winners, the peach and the strawberry won their hearts and stomachs over, I tend to concur with them.

I concluded that playing with your food has its advantages, and if it’s going to save the future of our planet then I say go right ahead and play to your heart’s content.

For more information on these products visit Earth & Co or follow them on Facebook at earthandcosouthafrica or on Instagram earthandcosouthafrica.
