Okay I’ll be honest. I started going to First Thursdays not for the art, but for the wine. The whole ‘exploring the city’s creativity after dark’ thing was basically just an excellent pretext for me to start the weekend a day early. So when Tuning the Vine cut out the middle man and launched a monthly, inner-city wine event, I was all over that like award stickers on a Warwick Chardonnay.

So here are the nuts and bolts. Tuning the Vine takes place on the second Wednesday of the month (yup, that means it’s today). Buy your ticket (details below), pick up your tasting glass and spend the next four hours sampling, learning about and generally celebrating our local wine producers. You don’t even have to pretend to know anything about art (or wine for that matter).


Here’s how to make the most of your Tuning the Vine experience.

#1: Arrive early

Your ticket says this event kicks off at 5:30 pm. Believe your ticket. Come on time. That way, you get to really chat to a few winemakers and see what’s on offer before the full, rather festive crowd descends.


#2: Start at the beginning

No, it’s not a Jessica Jones reference. The TTV route is pretty linear, so start at one end and work your way along to ensure you don’t miss anywhere or have to double back to find the stand for that farm you read about in that place.

tuning the vine

#3: Eat something

Bree Street’s reputation as foodie heaven is well deserved. Not only will participating venues be serving tapas and gourmet takeaways, but any spots that aren’t directly involved will be ready and waiting to satisfy hunger pangs. Plus you’ll need to soak up all the wine if you’re to be in any shape for work tomorrow.


#4: Forget about getting behind the wheel

Yeah, we’re going to say it. Again. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t wine taste and drive either. We know it’s sip, swirl and swallow, not spit, and all those mouthfuls add up. Uber. Take a cab. Walk home. Phone a friend. Ask the audience. Whatever.

When Wednesday 10 February 2016 at 5:30 pm
Where CBD
Cost R150 at Quicket or from Orphanage Cocktail Emporium (227 Bree Street) or 91 Loop Hostel (91 Loop Street)
Contact +27 83 357 4069, [email protected]

Photography Courtesy

1 Comment
  • Tuning the Vine
    Tuning the Vine
    February 10, 2016 at 9:55 am

    See all of you tuners there! The #InnerCityWineRoute awaits . . .

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