While many of us are comfortable in our warm homes with a choice of what meal to cook, some South Africans do not have enough food to feed one person.

A positive movement has been shared on social media and is quickly gaining traction. Those who can spare R50 are encouraged to put it towards helping those who currently cannot feed themselves.

Called “Jar of Hope”, all you require is a mason jar or old coffee jar, which will be filled by the following ingredients:

– half a cup of rice

– half a cup of soup mix

– half a cup of lentils

– one unwrapped stock cube

– one packet of instant soup powder

One of these jars is able to feed up to four individuals, or provide multiple meals to one person. All that needs to be added is hot water, and the mixture needs to be stirred continuously.

While this may not seem like much to the average person who can comfortably afford all the food and creature comforts needed to make it through lockdown, something as simple as a little jar of hope can change the world of someone who was wondering where their next meal would come from.

Picture: Bronwyn Brown/Facebook
