Get ready for summer with the smoothest ice cream imaginable at this on-trend pop-up, the N2Ice Cream Lab.

The science part

Liquid Nitrogen, or LN2, is an odourless and tasteless substance that is non-toxic and safe for food preparation. The LN2 blasts the fresh ingredients at -195°C for about a minute until it becomes ice cream. By the time you tuck in, the LN2 has disappeared, and you have a velvety smooth treat.

Sticking to the scientific theme, the N2Ice Cream Lab lets you choose your treat from a ‘Periodic Table of Flavours.’ Salted caramel, Nutella, Turkish delight, and peanut butter are just a few of the temptations on offer.


The new pop-up lab

N2Ice Cream Lab was previously only seen at markets, such as Revolution Market in Tokai; Val de Vie Market in Paarl; The Vlei Market in Muizenberg and The Woodmill Lifestyle Market in Stellenbosch, but now they have a pop-up in Long Street.

The new pop-up ice-cream lab opened on Saturday 3 October on the corner of Long Street (150) and Leeuwen Street in Cape Town, next to Food Inn.

Other offerings

With the delicious end result, N2Ice Cream Lab promises to make science more fun. They host events at their Parklands kiosk to teach school kids more about liquid nitrogen. They also have mobile units that cater to events. Why not add some intrigue to your corporate functions, or make your wedding more magical, with a liquid nitrogen ice cream truck?

Contact N2Ice Cream Lab to make a booking.

Have you tried N2Ice Cream? Tag us is your pics on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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